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Tuesday 4 November 2014

The Anxiety Monster Part 3 - Work Related Stress

PRO TIP - Don't listen to the TABLOIDS, or people that believe the bile in them - they mock stress and anxiety problems, they find examples of people that lie and cheat, BAD, criminal people, they pick on other illnesses like ME/CFS, DEPRESSION and even skin disorders or blame money problems on Immigrants, BAD genetics too - this is simply a LIE.

YOU as a person on this planet are worth more than this, your stress monster might be drawn to negative posts about your condition, don't let it trick you into reading them - the headline is usually enough to know if to read it or not. - Do read the headline, be aware of what the outside world is saying, but file it away in your mind, it won't help you reading NEGATIVE stories all the time.

In the UK STRESS and ANXIETY are the biggest cause of sickness from work - this is BIG but its all too easy for employers and tabloid media to say it doesn't exist or people are faking it.

If you are a genuine sufferer of this illness - it is an insult to your very being when somebody without the correct knowledge trivializes, what for you is probably the most horrid feeling of dread you have felt - you may have been dealing with it for YEARS.

Yet there it is, still there, mocked, shunned, ignored as a fantasy on the "shop floor" and in newspapers, and people continue to lock themselves away like somebody with a hideous disease that should be put in an asylum or forced to work with morons.

If this sounds familar, welcome to my world! - I have had the misfortune to meet a whole lot of very uninformed people in my life, and to be honest it has made me rather STRESSED!

Here are some sources of work related stress to read through - from UK Government, Companies and Charities - that do except that stress and anxiety is a real issue.

HSE - The Health and Safety Executive PDF - STATS

The Stress Management Society - ARTICLE

International Stress Management Association - ARTICLE

Let me know what you think in the comments box below!

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